Microsoft Excel™ 97, 2000, & XP
Microsoft Excel™ is a comprehensive spreadsheet application, which
allows entry of, and calculation on, large amounts of numeric data.
Whether the need is for calculation of average diesel use per delivery, or
for complex analysis of financial information, Microsoft Excel™ has the
tools to do the job.
Additionally, Microsoft Excel™ allows inclusion of graphics (such as
charts) and other multi-media data for enhanced analysis, and even
subsequent copying to PowerPoint presentations, or Word documents.
Level I:
Explanation of drop-down menus & toolbar items
- Workbook – content & data entry
- Working with cells
- Formatting cells
- Borders
- Formatting numbers
- Page setup
- Print options
- Directory & file structure
- Spell check
- Find & replace tools
- Mouse right button
- Introduction to formulae
- Introduction to functions
- Simple spreadsheet utilities
- On-screen formatting
- Introduction to charting
Level II:
- Review of on-screen controls
- Working with multiple worksheets
- Cell manipulation
- Conditional formatting
- Functions
- Excel as a database
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